As summer approaches, so does the increase in pest activity around your home. From ants and flies to roaches and rodents, pests become more active during the warmer months, seeking shelter, food, and water inside your cool, shaded home. To ensure a pest-free summer season, it’s essential to implement effective pest control strategies. Here are some dos and don’ts to help you keep summer pests out of your home.

Summer Pest Control Dos

1. Replace Weather-Stripping and Repair Loose Mortar: Inspect the weather-stripping around windows and doors, and repair any loose mortar around the foundation of your home. Proper sealing helps prevent pests from finding entry points into your living spaces.

2. Keep Kitchen Counters Clean and Store Food in Sealed Containers: Maintain cleanliness in your kitchen by wiping down counters regularly and storing food items in sealed containers. This practice eliminates food sources that attract pests like ants and roaches.

3. Eliminate Areas of Standing Water: Pests such as mosquitoes breed in standing water. Remove sources of standing water around your property, such as clogged gutters, bird baths, and unused containers, to reduce mosquito breeding grounds.

4. Keep Landscaping Trimmed and Maintained: Overgrown vegetation provides hiding places for pests. Keep your landscaping trimmed and well-maintained to eliminate hiding spots and reduce pest activity around your home.

5. Remove Hiding Places for Pests: Clear clutter and debris from your yard and around your home’s exterior to eliminate hiding places for pests. Regularly clean out sheds, garages, and outdoor storage areas to prevent pest infestations.

6. Divert Rainwater Away from the House: Ensure that rain gutters are clear of debris and that downspouts direct water away from the foundation of your home. Proper drainage helps prevent water accumulation, which can attract pests and lead to structural damage.

7. Keep Basements, Attics, and Crawl Spaces Well Ventilated and Dry: Proper ventilation and moisture control in basements, attics, and crawl spaces discourage pest activity. Use dehumidifiers and fans to keep these areas dry and well-ventilated, reducing the likelihood of pest infestations.

8. Dispose of Overripe Fruits and Vegetables: Overripe fruits and vegetables attract fruit flies and other pests. Dispose of any spoiled produce promptly to prevent pest infestations in your kitchen and pantry.

9. Call a Professional for Pest Infestations: If you suspect a pest infestation in your home, don’t hesitate to call a professional pest control company. Pest infestations can lead to property damage and pose health risks, so it’s essential to address them promptly and effectively.

Summer Pest Control Don’ts

1. Leave Pet Food Dishes Out for Long Periods of Time: Leaving pet food dishes out for extended periods can attract pests like ants and rodents. Feed pets at designated times and promptly remove any uneaten food to prevent pest activity.

2. Let Garbage Compile: Dispose of household garbage regularly and keep trash bins tightly sealed to prevent pests from accessing food sources. Avoid allowing garbage to accumulate both indoors and outdoors.

3. Leave Dirty Dishes in the Sink: Dirty dishes in the sink can attract pests like roaches and fruit flies. Wash dishes promptly after use and avoid leaving them in the sink overnight to deter pest infestations.

4. Store Firewood and Building Materials Against the Home: Stack firewood and building materials away from the exterior walls of your home. Pests like termites and carpenter ants can infest woodpiles and gain access to your home, causing structural damage.

5. Ignore Cracks or Little Openings Around the Bottom of the House: Inspect the exterior of your home for cracks, gaps, and openings, and seal them to prevent pest entry. Even small gaps can provide pests like ants, spiders, and rodents access points.

6. Let Your Sprinklers Spray Directly Toward the Foundation of Your Home: Redirect sprinklers away from your home’s foundation to prevent excess moisture accumulation. Excess moisture attracts pests like termites and mosquitoes, increasing the risk of infestations.

7. Let Excess Moisture Accumulate in Your Home: Address plumbing leaks, condensation, and other sources of excess moisture in your home promptly. Moisture buildup creates ideal conditions for mold growth and attracts pests like cockroaches and silverfish.

8. Give Pests a Free Meal: Avoid leaving food crumbs and spills uncleaned, as they can attract pests like ants, roaches, and rodents. Maintain cleanliness in your kitchen and dining areas to prevent pest infestations.

The most crucial “do” and “don’t” of summer pest control is to seek professional help if you encounter a pest infestation in your home. Attempting to handle pest infestations on your own can be dangerous and ineffective. Instead, contact Brentwood Pest Control at (615) 417-1243 or visit our website for expert pest management services. Don’t let pests ruin your summer—take proactive steps to keep your home pest-free and enjoy the season to the fullest.